The Weavers’ Guild of Boston has a rating system for those who are interested in formalizing their ability. There are four levels- Apprentice, Journeyman, Master Weaver and Master Plus. It’s a juried process, with very specific requirements for each level.

For several years, I had thought about this and collected various pieces I had woven, planning to submit for the first level. The requirements are complex, and the process is intimidating, so I was admittedly slow to act on it and stalled mid-stream at one point. But in 2019, I decided to take the leap, overcome my anxieties and dig into it. I inventoried what I had already done and what I still needed to accomplish. I had several pieces that needed to be woven or rewoven, and much documentation to complete.

The submission in total comprises 6 finished pieces, 2 gamps, a color wheel and several written requirements. For each item, there needs to be complete documentation. They vary in complexity, but all the items for the Apprentice submission need to demonstrate good knowledge of the weaves, sound technique, project planning and record keeping.

On 11 March 2020, I submitted my materials. In normal times, the anonymous judging takes several weeks and the final decisions are announced by early May. But 2020 was different. Distribution of submissions to the judges was delayed, and the decisions anticlimactically came down in mid-August. I had passed. I was able to pick up my submission in September. Dan photographed everything for me. Other than an announcement at the Guild’s Zoom meeting and an article in the Guild’s December newsletter, there was little fanfare, but I have the experience of the process and the comments from the judges to guide me forward.

Since I have plenty to keep me busy, I’m not sure if I’ll pursue the Journeyman rating in the future, but I do feel accomplished having reached this rung on the ladder. Thank you to my weaving friends who provided inspiration and constructive criticism along the way, and to the Ratings people in the WGB.

Ironically, my favorite piece in the submission is this colorwheel, which is not even woven. Perhaps the fact that this piece guided me out of my box into another medium is what appeals to me. Perhaps my soul is simply benefitting from the completion of the circle.