A friend recently asked me about baby blankets. They are one of my favorite things to weave! Whenever I warp my loom for a baby blanket gift, I put on extra warp so I can make one or two extras while I’m at it. Each one, even from the same warp, is unique, a different weave structure or color pattern, and different finishing. All of them are 100% cotton.

Here’s a example of a warp for 2 special blankets. The warp was designed using a name draft for “Mikkelsen”, one baby’s family name. I know it’s hard to see the name in the warp stripes, but weavers have to start someplace when they are designing! The first blanket was woven for Maren’s (my first AFS “daughter”) baby, Anne, and was a balanced tartan plaid. The second blanket was for my cousin Casey’s baby Emil. It was a more stripey pattern, but Casey picked up on the Scottish roots of the pattern, which reflect some of our family heritage.

There were 3 pastel blankets off this warp – a plain weave, a birdseye and a waffle weave. One of them was given to my friend’s grandson Carter. The other two were sold.

If you’re looking for an extra special baby gift for someone, let me know what you’d like. I’ll work with you for the perfect custom creation!